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General English
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Business English
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Business English &
Business vocabulary
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TOEIC tests
TOEIC test practice
Toeic Photographs Practice Test 04

English test creator: David Alalade
Professional profile: Amazon Author
Publications profile: Barnes&Noble
Book reviews: US Review of Books
Social Media: LinkedIn
TOEIC Photographs
Toeic test focus skills
Toeic photographs practice
Improve your focus skills
Ornate: Highly decorated.
Practical: Useful and sensible.
when employees feel accepted, valued, and a sense of belonging
Ornate: Highly decorated.
Practical: Useful and sensible.
Accessible: easy to approach, reach, or enter.
Affluent: having a great deal of money; wealthy.
Blissful: extremely happy or joyful.
seemingly having no end; vast and unending.
Test Practice
FREE English tests for
TOEIC tests
TOEIC test practice
To improve your TOEIC test focus, proficiency,
here are five TOEIC related facts:
The TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests measure the ability to speak and write in English in a business context.
The TOEIC test is scored on a scale of 10 to 990.
The TOEIC test is divided into two sections: the Listening and Reading section and the Speaking and Writing section.
The TOEIC Listening and Reading Test measures the ability to understand spoken and written English in a business context.
The TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests measure the ability to speak and write in English in a business context.
Free English Tests
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