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English General Knowledge Vocabulary: 12

English test creator: David Alalade
Professional profile: Amazon Author
Publications profile: Barnes&Noble
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General English English Practice Test
General English daily life
Daily life general English
Test your daily English
Improve your eveyday English
Daily life general English such as, waking up, stretching, taking a shower, brushing your teeth.
Daily life general English such as, eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, having a snack.
Daily life general English such as, going to work, commuting, attending meetings, completing tasks, etc.
Daily life general English such as, exercising, healthy lifestyles, reducing stress, and improving your overall health.
Daily life general English such as, spending time with family and friends, having dinner together, going for a walk, or watching a movie.
Daily life general English such as, relaxing, reducing stress, improving your mental health, reading a book, taking a bath, or meditating.
Daily life general English such as, sleeping, napping, insomnia, etc
General English
Vocabulary Tests
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English vocabulary tests
General knowledge tests
To increase your English general knowledge and your understanding of our General English tests.
Here are five common English daily life words that are very useful to know:
A greeting used to acknowledge someone’s presence or to start a conversation.
A farewell expression used when parting from someone.
Thank you:
An expression of gratitude or appreciation.
A polite expression used to request something or to show politeness.
An expression of regret or apology.
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© 2022 created by David Alalade |